PhD Alan Prohmi loeng EKAs

PhD Alan Prohm peab avaliku loengu teemal "Building Poetry"
neljapäeval, 22.märtsil 2007
kell 17.20 Eesti Kunstiakadeemia aulas.


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Loengu teema lühitutvustus:
Building Poetry: Architecture and Poetic Radicalism in Late Capitalism

In this talk I will examine the perennial ambition of poets to get their hands on architecture, and of architects to be honored as poets. I will ask how the creative sciences or "poetics" of the two arts relate, and what is at stake in the difference between language and built structure.
I will focus in particular on two main instances of poetic experimentation with architecture, 1st the Situationist project of New Babylon (1950’s-60’s), and 2nd the ongoing Reversible Destiny project of Arakawa and Madeline Gins. We will look at examples of these projects, and examine how they materialize certain radical social and philosophical critiques whose first expression was literary.