Rahvusvaheline konverents “Architecture Outside the Centres”

Teatame rahvusvahelisest konverentsist Liberecis, Tšehhis, mis toimub 14.-15. märtsil 2014. Konverentsi teemaks on "Arhitektuur väljaspool keskuseid".

Teatame rahvusvahelisest konverentsist Liberecis, Tšehhis, mis toimub 14.-15. märtsil 2014. Konverentsi teemaks on “Arhitektuur väljaspool keskuseid”. Esinduslikus esinejate nimekirjas on ka Eesti arhitektid Siiri Vallner ja Indrek Peil.

International conference “Architecture outside the centres”, 1st announcement

On 14th – 15th March 2014 a final conference of the “Architecture Outside Centres” project will take place in Liberec. The conference is organized by the Faculty of Arts and Architecture TU Liberec and by the association “Architektura” and it is co-financed by the European Social Fund and the Czech Republic national budget. The objective of the two years project is to map quality architecture in smaller places in the Czech Republic as well as abroad, which often remains off the public attention, and to look for conditions on which a quality architecture can be reached in remote localities.

Among the confirmed foreign participants of the conference are following architects: Luigi Snozzi (Switzerland), Kengo Kuma (Japan), Hans Ibelings (the Netherlands), Germán del Sol (Chile), John O´Reilly (Ireland), Murray Fraser (United Kingdom), Herwig Spiegl (Austria), Irakli Eristavi (Slovakia), Vasa Perovič (Slovenia), Antoni Domicz (Poland), Rolf Kuhn (Germany), Todd Saunders (Norway), Siiri Vallner and Indrek Peil (Estonia), Henrieta Moravčíková (Slovakia), a representative of the office RCR (Spain).

The Czech Republic will be represented by professors from the Faculty of Arts and Architecture and other project partners – Zdeněk Fránek, Jiří Suchomel, Antonín Novák, Petr Kratochvíl, Petr Volf. The conference will take place on new premises of the Regional Gallery in Liberec – a reconstructed building of former bath. It will be open to expert public and architecture students. Detailed information on the registration to the conference will be published soon and will be announced on the website of the project www.excentric.eu.