Rahvusvaheline võistlus – II Maailmasõja Muuseum Gdanskis, Poolas

The Museum of the Second World War announces an international architectural competition.

The Museum of the Second World War announces an international architectural competition.

Subject Matter of the Competition
This Competition concerns the development of the architectural conceptual design of the building to house the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, intended to become a new identity landmark of the City of Gdańsk, and the conceptual site landscape design commensurate with the nature, status, and location of the site.
The purpose of this Competition is to arrive at the architectural concept of the building to house the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, appended with the site landscape design, that will be best in terms of its city-planning, architectural, functional, aesthetic, and operational aspects, and recognise the site’s nature, status, and location, and to obtain recommendations from the Competition Jury with respect to awarding the public contract to the winner of the Competition.
Formula of the Competition
An architectural contest of the open, international, one-stage type.

Language of the Competition
The Competition shall be held in the Polish language. The Requests to Participate in the Competition and the declarations from the Competition Participants shall be submitted in the Polish language. The Competition Entries shall be produced in the Polish language, though their submission in the English language shall be permissible.

We kindly ask you to send all the questions referring to the international competition for the development of the architectural conceptual design of the building to house the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk on konkurs.arch@muzeum1939.pl 

We also ask you to make yourselves acquainted with the replies to the questions which have already been posed by other interested parties. It may happen that some of your questions have already been answered. All the replies are published in the section “Explanations and replies to the queries”.