Roger Paezi loeng 6. juunil

Virtuaalse loengu "Innovative Approaches to Mapping" annab Roger Paez Barcelonast.

6. juunil annab virtuaalse loengu Roger Paez Barcelonast.

Tegemist on järjekordse innovatsiooniloenguga, mille korraldab meie TA nõunik, ettevalmistudes konverentsiks „Innovatsioon ja digitaalreaalsus“ (toimub 6 sept. 2022, EKAs ruumis A101).

Loeng jõuab eetrisse zoomi kaudu esmaspäeval, 6. juunil algusega kell 16. Loengu pikkus on ca 1 tund, järgevad küsimused-vastused ca 30 min.

ZOOMi link

Innovative Approaches to Mapping

Roger Paez, PhD. ELISAVA (UVic-UCC), Barcelona.

This lecture introduces the concept of operative mapping and focuses on innovative ways to use maps as design tools—there are many maps; every map tells a different story about the world we live in; every story is worth it; and every story is a path to both understanding and transforming the world.


Roger Paez

PhD architect, professor and researcher. Professional experience in the studios of Alison+Peter Smithson and Enric Miralles. Founder of AiB ( Research leader and MEATS director at ELISAVA, architectural design professor at ETSALS, guest professor at universities worldwide. Author of Operative Mapping: Maps as Design Tools (Actar 2019) and Plug-ins: Design for City Making in Barcelona (in press). Works at the intersection of design, architecture and the city, focusing on temporality, experimentation and social impact.


Roger Paez, PhD architect, professor and researcher            

Architect ETSAB, Barcelona (Hons.); MS AAD Columbia University, New York (GSAPP Honor Award for Excellence in Design); PhD UPC, Barcelona (Excellent Cum Laude); Certified PhD (AQU 2020). His Doctoral Dissertation “Operative Cartography. Mapping Agency in Architectural Design, 1982-2012”, directed by Iñaki Abalos (Harvard GSD) and Jaime Coll (ETSAB UPC), was awarded the highest distinction.

Following professional experience in the studios of Alison+Peter Smithson (London) and Enric Miralles (Barcelona), he founded A i B (, a studio devoted to contemporary architectural practice with a critical edge, based in Barcelona. He has designed the Marine Zoo of Barcelona, the Hospital Clínic extension, and the Mas d’Enric Penitentiary, selected for the FAD Prize 2013 and finalist to Catalunya Construcció 2013 Award.

He has maintained an intense commitment to research, academic and cultural pursuits. He served as a member of the editorial board of Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, awarded the Jean Tschumi Prize (2005). He is director of the Master’s Degree in Ephemeral Architecture and Temporary Spaces (MEATS) at ELISAVA (UVic-UCC) since 2015, where he also serves as Research Leader since 2018. He has been architectural design professor at ETSALS (URL) since 2000. He has been visiting professor, guest lecturer and jury member in universities worldwide, including Columbia GSAPP, Cornell AAP, Harvard GSD, IIT, Sci-ARC and USC in the USA; ETSAB, ETSAV, BAC, IaaC (Barcelona), EPFL (Lausanne), ETSAM (Madrid), ENA (Paris), UdP (Porto), UMA (Umeå), IUAV (Venezia) and ETH (Zürich) in Europe. He publishes regularly both specialized articles and books, notably Design Strategies for Temporary Intervention in Public Space (Elisava, 2013), Critical Prison Design (Actar, 2014), and Operative Mapping: Maps as Design Tools (Actar, 2019), and Plug-ins: Design for City Making in Barcelona (in press).

He works at the intersection of design, architecture, and the city, and his main research interests include operative mapping, temporary space design, public space, design with social impact and the articulation between artistic and architectural practic

Roger Paez, PhD


Master’s degree in Ephemeral Architecture and Temporary Spaces

Research Leader

ELISAVA Research, HIMTS Research Group


Barcelona School of Design and Engineering          

T +34 3174715 | ext. 189

M +34 607 99 65 05


Loengu korraldamist toetab Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fond.

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