Ryusuke Nanki avatud loeng „Japanese design: its past, present and future”

Ryusuke Nanki avatud loeng „Japanese design: its past, present and future” toimub neljapäeval, 18. veebruaril kell 17.00, Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli aulas.

Ryusuke Nanki avatud loeng „Japanese design: its past, present and future”, neljapäeval, 18. veebruaril kell 17.00, Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli aula, 3. korrus (Pärnu mnt 62, Tallinn).

In Japan, traditional culture is well maintained, though it has always been reinterpreted from time to time. Young Japanese designer Ryusuke Nanki, who was educated as an architect, has successfully demonstrated how to reinterpret or “re-design” tradition in various mediums.

In the lecture he discusses this through his work, including his latest exhibition design for “L’art de Rosanjin” in Paris, and book design for the publication “Ikkoan”, Japanese sweets and culinary art.

He was born in 1984 in Tokyo. Graduated from Keio University and studied under Shigeru Ban. As a designer, worked for various companies and exhibition design. Recently worked as the head of production and design for the first European viewing of the “L’art de Rosanjin” exhibition at the Guimet Museum in Paris, from July 3 to Sept. 9, 2015.

“L’art de Rosanjin” exhibition: http://archinect.com/news/article/84929437/l-art-de-rosanjin-exhibition-design-by-ryusuke-nanki-tastefully-balances-visual-and-culinary-art

Portfolio: http://cargocollective.com/ryusukenanki

Loengu kaaskorraldaja: Jaapani Suursaatkond

Loengu korraldab Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli arhitektuuri ja keskkonnatehnika teaduskond.


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