UIA and IFLA Renew and Reinforce Their Cooperation

On 9 March 2012, in Paris, Albert Dubler, President of the International Union of Architects (UIA) and Désirée Martinez Uriarte, President of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) renewed and reinforced the memorandum of understanding between UIA and IFLA, signed in 2006.

On 9 March 2012, in Paris, Albert Dubler, President of the International Union of
Architects (UIA) and Désirée Martinez Uriarte, President of the International Federation of
Landscape Architects (IFLA) renewed and reinforced the memorandum of
understanding between UIA and IFLA, signed in 2006.

UIA and lFLA reaffirmed the specific character of each organisation and the
professional skills of their members and expressed the wish to pursue the promotion
of architecture and landscape architecture as a means of highlighting the importance
of the environmental context as a quality factor for the well being of communities.
UIA and IFLA will encourage joint initiatives that correspond to the professional goals and
ambitions of their members.

UIA and IFLA will propose strategies, actions and recommendations that will be
submitted to their respective Councils with a view to the evolution of their collaboration.
Each organisation will invite its partner to be represented at events of common interest
that they organise periodically.

International Federation of Landscape Architects – IFLA