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The European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP) is calling for papers in the framework of its project Under Constructions for a book to be published soon and launched at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2012.

The European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP) is calling for papers in the framework of its project Under Constructions for a book to be published soon and launched at the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2012. To submit your paper please fill-in the available form before 26 March 2012:


7th Energy Forum on Solar Building Skins

The aim of the Energy Forum on Solar Building Skins is to contribute to a multidisciplinary, integrated planning approach among architects, engineers, scientists, energy managers and manufacturers, to reduce energy consumption while improving the comfort and health of the building’s occupants. If you wish to include a presentation in the conference program or poster presentation, you are welcome to send 400 words proposals to the international scientific conference committee. Proposals should be sent in PDF format to by 15 April 2012. For more information on the topics covered, go to: http://www.energy-forum.com/

Architecture as Human Interface 

This scientific conference taking place in Espoo (Finland) on 26 and 27 October 2012 is a joint venture between researchers in Finland and Sweden. The conference theme is developed in cooperation between the 4th Architectural Research Symposium in Finland and the 4th International conference on architectural competitions. The symposium will address the following themes: competing in architecture, complexity and contradiction in architecture, research and design (bridging the gap), human oriented living environment, the future of the past, sustainability and creativity. Abstracts of no more than 3000 characters (without spaces), including the author’s names, their affiliation and contact information should be sent to for distribution to the scientific committee on 16 April. For more information: http://www.safa.fi/fin/safa_in_english/ Registration for the conference before 10 May 2012.

The Rosa Barbara European Landscape Prize

The Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize, sponsored by Banc de Sabadell, will be announced within the framework of the 7th European Landscape Biennial, which will take place on the 27 and 28 September 2012 in Barcelona. The Prize is opened to all kinds of landscape projects and planning created in Europe from 2007 to 2012. The deadline for submitting project documentation is 30 March 2012.There is a sole AWARD, which has an economic value of 15.000 euros. To participate, fill out the online registration form at www.coac.net/landscape. The deadline for case presenting project documentation online is 30 April 2012.

Info saadud Euroopa Arhitektide Nõukogult.