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Leedu Arhitektuurikeskus informeerib äsjaloodud Leedu arhitektuuri interaktiivsest kaardist, mis töötab nüüd ka mobiiliversioonis.

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Interactive map of Lithuanian architecture is expanding its audience

Interactive map of Lithuanian architecture that is being developed for the fifth year ( is the encyclopaedia of a modern Lithuanian architecture. It is expanded by the Creative Industries Park “Architecture Centre” with the support of Lithuanian Council for Culture, Exterus, Wienerberger, and Knauf. Works done by architects since the beginning of the regaining of the Independence of Lithuania (from 1991) are presented: public and administrative buildings, individual residential houses and apartment buildings, bridges and squares, – everything that surrounds us and is important to us. Visitors can get familiar with objects virtually by viewing pictures and drawings or reading concise information. Database is continuously updated: forty objects were added to it this year.

The website is useful as it contains information about our towns, their creators – architects. It covers several decades, certain changes in the architecture of native region can be observed, one can assess the architecture of independent Lithuania from the perspective of time.

Interactive map of Lithuanian architecture took a technologically new step this year. It reached users preferring smart devices through mobile website ( Thus, in addition to continuous information updating, technical parameters of the map were also improved: from now on, www.archmap.ltis easily and conveniently reached by everyone familiar with information technologies. It is very useful in cases when one leaves the office or home and travels throughout Lithuania. All instruments are developed for this purpose: loyal, i.e., registered user can create the list of favourite architectural objects, and to include the most favourite objects into the routes through whole Lithuania as well as to visit them consistently… by using smart phones or tablets, and of course, website instead of GPS device.

In its spirit, interactive map of Lithuanian architecture is a stimulus to get interested in a modern Lithuanian architecture, get familiar with it, and to travel. As it is bilingual, is comfortable to use for foreign guests as well.