Yarkyfesti arhitektuurifestivaliga kaasnev konkurss noortele
Project Baltia and art hostel Yarky announce an open international competition to design a summer residential module as part of the first YARKYFEST summer architecture festival. The five winning projects will be realized at Yarky by August 2nd, 2014.
Project Baltia and art hostel Yarky announce an open international competition to design a summer residential module as part of the first YARKYFEST summer architecture festival. The five winning projects will be realized at Yarky by August 2nd, 2014.

Competiotion format
International, open and anonymous
Project Baltia magazine and Yarky Hostel & Space (hereinafter the Hostel) announce the Open International Competition for the Design of Summer Residential Unit (hereinafter the Competition). Five winning projects will be implemented on the territory of the Hostel by August 2, 2014. The units should enable temporary accommodation for one or two persons. Functions of these units are similar to those of a hotel room.
Architects and designers from Russia and abroad are invited to take part in the Competition. Project teams must not consist of more than 4 participants under the age of 35 years (inclusive).
Competition stages:
The competition has two stages. During stage 1 the Expert Council shortlists 10 best projects. The authors will be asked to modify their projects in accordance with the requirements and comments, received from the Expert Council. During stage 2 best 5 projects will be implemented on the Hostel territory.
April 7 – June 1, 2014
Registration (Application for participation), consultation with the organisers (by e-mail: ).
Until June 10, 2014 (inclusive)
Competition Entry Submission
June 10 – 13
Consideration of the projects by the expert council, shortlisting.
June 14–20
Elaboration of the shortlisted projects by the participants.
June 20 – July 1
Work of the Jury and selection of the five winners.
July 1
Resuming the Competition projects, invitation of the winning teams.
July 1
Winning teams arrive.
July 1
Start of the construction, participation in the YARKYFEST festival.
August 2
Presentation of projects and closing ceremony of YARKYFEST
August 3
Departure of the participants and end of the festival
Application form (individual)
Application form (group)
Download requirements specification
Download photos of the site
Download masterplan for the site